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Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2024, Vol. 13(2) 51-73

Investigation of Physics Teachers' Perceptions of Life-Based Semantic Towards 2022 BPT Physics Questions

Hakan Sevki Ayvaci, Gurhan Bebek, Selenay Yamacli

pp. 51 - 73

Publish Date: December 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 18  |  Number of Download: 25


This study investigates physics teachers' perceptions of life-based semantics towards the 2022 Basic Proficiency Test (BPT) physics questions. The study participants consisted of 30 physics teachers working in schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in various provinces in Turkey in the spring term of the 2022-2023 academic year. Case study was preferred as the research method. The life-based semantic perception form developed by the researchers and applied through Google Forms was used as a data collection tool. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data from the data collection tool. Comprehensible, original, and current for the first question; comprehensible and distracting for the second question; comprehensible and reflecting learning outcomes for the third question; current, reflecting learning outcomes; and challenging for the fourth question; original, comprehensible, and current for the fifth question; comprehensible, reflecting learning outcomes, and distracting for the sixth question; comprehensible and life-based features for the seventh question of physics were determined. Suggestions were made to determine semantic perceptions in the development process of the questions and their use in other fields.

Keywords: BPT Physics Questions, Physics Teachers, Life-Based, Semantic Perception

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APA 7th edition
Ayvaci, H.S., Bebek, G., & Yamacli, S. (2024). Investigation of Physics Teachers' Perceptions of Life-Based Semantic Towards 2022 BPT Physics Questions. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(2), 51-73.

Ayvaci, H., Bebek, G. and Yamacli, S. (2024). Investigation of Physics Teachers' Perceptions of Life-Based Semantic Towards 2022 BPT Physics Questions. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(2), pp. 51-73.

Chicago 16th edition
Ayvaci, Hakan Sevki, Gurhan Bebek and Selenay Yamacli (2024). "Investigation of Physics Teachers' Perceptions of Life-Based Semantic Towards 2022 BPT Physics Questions". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 13 (2):51-73.


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