Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2024, Vol. 13(1) 40-50
pp. 40 - 50
Publish Date: June 30, 2024 | Single/Total View: 33/73 | Single/Total Download: 54/82
This study examined middle school students' attitudes towards astronomy in the 7th grade 'Solar System and Beyond' unit in out-of-school learning environments. We used the pre-test-post-test control group model, among the semi-experimental models, and the 'Attitudes Towards Astronomy Scale (ATAS) as the measurement tool. We conducted the study with 70 students studying at the 7th-grade level in a state middle school in the Pamukkale District of Denizli Province in the 2023-2024 Academic Year. In addition, we applied some out-of-school learning activities such as planetarium, observatory, and sky observations to the students in the experimental group. We used a t-test to solve the sub-problems of the research for independent groups. Based on the results, we concluded that there was a statistically significant difference of .05 in favor of the experimental group's attitudes toward astronomy. This difference indicates that the activities carried out for the experimental group's learning environments outside of school are more effective than the control group's inside-of-school environments.
Keywords: Out-of-School Learning, Astronomy Education, Science Education
APA 7th edition
Demirci, E., & Sevim, S. (2024). Examining the Effect of Out-Of-School Learning Activities on Attitude towards Astronomy. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(1), 40-50.
Demirci, E. and Sevim, S. (2024). Examining the Effect of Out-Of-School Learning Activities on Attitude towards Astronomy. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(1), pp. 40-50.
Chicago 16th edition
Demirci, Emin and Serkan Sevim (2024). "Examining the Effect of Out-Of-School Learning Activities on Attitude towards Astronomy". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 13 (1):40-50.
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