Original article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2024, Vol. 13(1) 1-27
pp. 1 - 27
Publish Date: June 30, 2024 | Number of Views: 88 | Number of Download: 110
This study aimed to find the influential factors of emotional intelligence, occupational stress, academic performance, and satisfaction of university teachers and to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress and teachers' academic performance and satisfaction in Bangladesh. The data were collected using a stratified sampling technique through a structured questionnaire from public and private university teachers in Bangladesh. Out of 380 distributed questionnaires, 224 (59%) questionnaires were selected and usable to proceed for final analysis, where 65.4% were male and 34.6% were female. The study's findings reveal that the average emotional intelligence, occupational stress, and academic performance with the satisfaction of male teachers are greater than those of female teachers. However, more significant variability exists in emotional intelligence, occupational stress, academic performance, and satisfaction among males than females. Emotional intelligence positively and significantly impacts teachers' academic performance and satisfaction. Low to average occupational stressed academicians were less likely to be highly preformed and satisfied in their job, and teachers who had low to medium levels of emotional intelligence were more likely to be highly preformed and confident in their profession. Only emotional intelligence was significantly associated with university teachers' academic performance and satisfaction. Therefore, logistic regression analysis further estimated only the significant variable (emotional intelligence) to predict university teachers' academic performance and satisfaction.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Academic Performance, University Teacher, Satisfaction, Teaching-Learning Outcome, Occupational Stress and Bangladesh
APA 7th edition
Biswas, T. (2024). Emotion is not an Agreement: Empirical Evidence of Tertiary Level Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence, Occupational Stress, Academic Performance, and Satisfaction in Bangladesh. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(1), 1-27.
Biswas, T. (2024). Emotion is not an Agreement: Empirical Evidence of Tertiary Level Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence, Occupational Stress, Academic Performance, and Satisfaction in Bangladesh. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 13(1), pp. 1-27.
Chicago 16th edition
Biswas, Tanmay (2024). "Emotion is not an Agreement: Empirical Evidence of Tertiary Level Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence, Occupational Stress, Academic Performance, and Satisfaction in Bangladesh". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 13 (1):1-27.
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