Original article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 10(2) 70-89
pp. 70 - 89
Publish Date: December 30, 2021 | Single/Total View: 37/928 | Single/Total Download: 106/1.527
Eco-literacy is not a new concept however it is difficult to define. It might be defined as an understanding of natural-social-economical-cultural systems and connections between biotic and abiotic factors within a sustainable future. This study aims to compare two countries' eco-literacy levels by an eco-literacy scale. The scale has five subsets: ecological intelligence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, economy, and green consumer behaviour. The research group is in-service teachers and research countries are Turkey (TR) and New Zealand (NZ). The methodology of the study is a case study within a quantitative approach. It has been found that TR in-service teachers have a higher mean score in terms of economic, emotional, and ecological intelligence themes while NZ in-service teachers have a higher mean score in terms of social intelligence and green consumer themes. It is concluded that there are different and good applications in both countries and their researchers should increase their publications related to detailed education programs.
Keywords: Eco-Literacy, In-Service Teachers, Professional Development, New Zealand, Turkey, TUBITAK
APA 7th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2021). The Comparison of New Zealand and Turkey Within In-Service Teachers' Eco-Literacy Levels. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(2), 70-89.
Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2021). The Comparison of New Zealand and Turkey Within In-Service Teachers' Eco-Literacy Levels. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 10(2), pp. 70-89.
Chicago 16th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, Emel (2021). "The Comparison of New Zealand and Turkey Within In-Service Teachers' Eco-Literacy Levels". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 10 (2):70-89.
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