Research article    |    Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 9(1) 64-87

The Views of Prospective Teachers on the Science Spot Preparation Process

Yasemin Hacıoglu, Cigdem Sahin Cakir, Fethiye Karsli Baydere, Havva Yamak

pp. 64 - 87

Publish Date: June 30, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 173/916   |   Single/Total Download: 253/2.182


Interdisciplinary science education is important for 21th century education. Design-based learning is recommended for science education, for technology and engineering integration. However, teachers' design-based science practices are insufficient. In this study, prospective teachers have developed science spot (public spot about scientific issues) that enables media integration into science education. The purpose of this study was to determine the views of prospective teachers about science spot preparation processes. The sample of this study executed as action research consisted of a total of 106 prospective teachers. As data collection tools a survey form and semi-structured interviews were used. The data were analyzed by content. The results showed that prospective teachers reported their positive views on the science spot preparation process and viewed themselves as competent and eager to develop and use science spots in science education. However, they had some concerns about implementation with the students in their classes.

Keywords: Interdisciplinary Education, Design Based Science Education, Science Spots, STEM, Prospective Teachers.

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APA 7th edition
Hacioglu, Y., Cakir, C.S., Baydere, F.K., & Yamak, H. (2020). The Views of Prospective Teachers on the Science Spot Preparation Process. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(1), 64-87.

Hacioglu, Y., Cakir, C., Baydere, F. and Yamak, H. (2020). The Views of Prospective Teachers on the Science Spot Preparation Process. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(1), pp. 64-87.

Chicago 16th edition
Hacioglu, Yasemin, Cigdem Sahin Cakir, Fethiye Karsli Baydere and Havva Yamak (2020). "The Views of Prospective Teachers on the Science Spot Preparation Process". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 9 (1):64-87.


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