Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 9(1) 1-16
pp. 1 - 16
Publish Date: May 26, 2020 | Single/Total View: 75/894 | Single/Total Download: 121/2.111
Beliefs effect teacher candidates' pedagogical decisions and practices. Beliefs determine the way and level of teacher candidates to benefit from teacher education. However, beliefs are emotional and evaluation-based inferences, resulting in a wide range of experiences. The place of teacher education among other experiences that lead to beliefs poses an important problem. In this study, it is aimed to examine the distribution of the proportions of variables that are the source of the beliefs of teacher candidates on the basis of classes. The study was conducted with 120 teacher candidates. Teacher candidates' beliefs were determined by reflective writing, case analysis and interview method. In this process, 1,539 belief expressions of teacher candidates were reached. Then, individualized measurement tool was used to determine the source of each belief. The research showed that the variables outside of teacher education were higher in teachers candidates' beliefs than those fall within the scope of teacher education. In the study, it was seen that the variables that were the source of the highest level of beliefs of teacher candidates were respectively student years and school experience course.
Keywords: Teacher education, teacher beliefs, belief sources, teacher education programs
APA 7th edition
Ozmutlu, E.B. (2020). Investigation of Teachers Candidates' Belief Sources. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(1), 1-16.
Ozmutlu, E. (2020). Investigation of Teachers Candidates' Belief Sources. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 9(1), pp. 1-16.
Chicago 16th edition
Ozmutlu, Emel Bayrak (2020). "Investigation of Teachers Candidates' Belief Sources". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 9 (1):1-16.
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