Research article | Open Access
Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 2019, Vol. 8(1) 20-29
pp. 20 - 29
Publish Date: June 30, 2019 | Single/Total View: 127/990 | Single/Total Download: 181/2.297
This study investigates a sample of syllabi for educational measurement, assessment and evaluation course offered in several high-rank universities. A total of 16 syllabi from 12 countries are accessed through universities' websites and via e-mail to course instructors. Employing a descriptive research framework, the content of available syllabi is summarized based on covered topics, required and recommended readings and student assessment strategies. A total of 35 topics were identified and listed. Findings showed that graduate level courses mainly used academic articles as reading materials whereas undergraduate level courses generally required a textbook. Assessment strategies included assignments and essays as much as midterms and final exams. Attendance and active involvement were also included in student assessment strategies. Even though based on a small sample, the findings of this review are expected to help instructors who are developing a new course.
Keywords: Assessment and evaluation course, Educational measurement, Higher-education curriculum, Syllabi review
APA 7th edition
Aydin, B., & Kasli, M. (2019). A Review of Educational Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation Course Syllabi. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 8(1), 20-29.
Aydin, B. and Kasli, M. (2019). A Review of Educational Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation Course Syllabi. Turkish Journal of Teacher Education, 8(1), pp. 20-29.
Chicago 16th edition
Aydin, Burak and Murat Kasli (2019). "A Review of Educational Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation Course Syllabi". Turkish Journal of Teacher Education 8 (1):20-29.
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